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Share this story

You can help to raise the voice of coastal fishers by sharing Kokoly and her story. If you’d like to host a screening let us know!

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Blue Ventures works alongside coastal communities to rebuild tropical fisheries. You can partner with us, donate or fundraise to help us catalyse and sustain locally-led conservation across the tropics.

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Eat sustainable / certified fish

Eat sustainable / certified fish

Choosing to eat sustainable fish supports and reward fishers who aim for the most sustainable practises and helps to reduce the burden that fishing has placed on the ocean. You can download a ‘Good Fish Guide‘ to help you pick the most sustainable fish in the supermarkets.



Make a conscious effort to reduce your carbon footprint. Eat less meat, fly less often, cycle to work, buy second-hand clothes and recycle. You can find out your carbon footprint and consider offseting your emissions to support low-carbon initiatives as well.

Against a backdrop of climate breakdown, personal loss and a marine environment changing beyond her control, Kokoly lives on a knife edge. This is her story. #FishingForSurvival

let's talk!